A Waiting Game Part 3

24 Mar 2018

Sometimes in trying to obtain the most useful set of features for predicting an outcome may require us to define new features based on the existing ones. I learnt this from the ‘Pytanic’ tutorial on kaggle, by Heads or Tails.

Hence I want to define a list of derived or engineered features: ‘AverageWaitTime’ - as in on average how many minutes one is willing to wait for someone regardless of whether that person is his/her superior, family, friend, or lover (one averaged value by averaging the 4 categories)
‘AverageMakeOthersWaitTime’ - as in on average one is comfortable making other people wait.
‘WaitSuperior%Difference’ - (WaitforSuperior - MakeSuperiorWait)/WaitforSuperior
‘WaitFamily%Difference’ - (WaitforFamily - MakeFamilyWait)/WaitforFamily
‘WaitFriend%Difference’ - (WaitforFriend - MakeFriendWait)/WaitforFriend
‘WaitLover%Difference’ - (WaitforLover - MakeLoverWait)/WaitforLover

Using Lasso regression again to see which features matter:



To predict whether the unknown subject is Japanese, only the derived features, ‘WaitFamily%Difference’ and ‘WaitLover%Difference’ seem to affect the prediction results.

As for predicting whether the subject is male or female, only ‘WaitLover%Difference’ should be included in the set of features.

With these in mind, I computed cross validation accuracy scores again,

x_isJ = df2.loc[:,['WaitforFriend','MakeFamilyWait','MakeFriendWait','MakeLoverWait','WaitFamily%Difference','WaitLover%Difference']]
y_isJ = df2['isJapanese']
x_G = df2.loc[:,['WaitforSuperior','WaitforFriend','MakeSuperiorWait','MakeFamilyWait','MakeFriendWait','MakeLoverWait','WaitLover%Difference']]
y_G = df2['GenderScore']
knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3)
isJ_cv_scores = cross_val_score(knn, x_isJ, y_isJ, cv=4)
print('Predicting whether Japanese: ', isJ_cv_scores)
print('Mean: ', isJ_cv_scores.mean())

knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3)
G_cv_scores = cross_val_score(knn, x_G, y_G, cv=4)
print('Predicting gender: ', G_cv_scores)
print('Mean: ', G_cv_scores.mean())

Predicting whether Japanese: [ 0.88888889 0.88888889 0.875 0.5 ]
Mean: 0.788194444444
Predicting gender: [ 0.77777778 0.77777778 0.625 0.625 ]
Mean: 0.701388888889

With derived features, there is a slight improvement for predicting the natonality, while not much help for predicting gender.

Finally, let me introduce another useful modeling method for categorial dependent variable: the logistic regression.

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score

x_isJ = df2.loc[:,['WaitforFriend','MakeFamilyWait','MakeFriendWait','MakeLoverWait','WaitFamily%Difference','WaitLover%Difference']]
y_isJ = df2['isJapanese']
x_G = df2.loc[:,['WaitforSuperior','WaitforFriend','MakeSuperiorWait','MakeFamilyWait','MakeFriendWait','MakeLoverWait','WaitLover%Difference']]
y_G = df2['GenderScore']
logreg =  LogisticRegression()
isJ_cv_scores = cross_val_score(logreg, x_isJ, y_isJ, cv=4)
print('Predicting whether Japanese: ', isJ_cv_scores)
print('Mean: ', isJ_cv_scores.mean())

G_cv_scores = cross_val_score(logreg, x_G, y_G, cv=4)
print('Predicting gender: ', G_cv_scores)
print('Mean: ', G_cv_scores.mean())

Predicting whether Japanese: [ 0.77777778 0.66666667 0.625 1. ]
Mean: 0.767361111111
Predicting gender: [ 0.88888889 0.77777778 0.75 0.5 ]
Mean: 0.729166666667

Using logistic regression, the accuracy score for predicting gender improved a little.

To summarize the cross validation accuracies using knn and logistic regression:

  knn (n_neighbors = 8) knn (n_neighbors = 3) knn with selected features only knn with selected and derived features logistic regression
Nationality cv accuracy: 0.61 0.67 0.76 0.79 0.77
Gender cv accuracy: 0.64 0.64 0.70 0.70 0.73